When we look around what you we see is poverty, misery, cruelty, negligence, despair, glitz and razzmatazz. The scene is same in every country. How many people irrespective of their country are really happy? Not many. Every human being is going through motions – a mundane existence. There is no challenge, no fun, and no frolic. Everyone is/has a problem irrespective whether the person is pauper or obnoxiously rich. What happened to Happiness? Most of the human race forgotten to smile or laugh heartily or being happy. Some are of the view money is happiness but you ask any rich billionaire he has share of problem and I am sure he is not really happy. Look at countries – some do wage wars either to keep their hegemony or defend his rights. Trillions of dollars is spent on military arsenal and nukes which nobody can use. Even most backward to developing countries are stockpiling weapons spending billions of dollars. Have these Governments spent this money of Education, health, malnutrition and housing perhaps there would have been great human development which makes countries can proudly publicize of smile at their achievements. What are we doing? Where are we going?
Life’s Endeavour is to be “HAPPY”. Are we happy? How many so called corporate executives whom every one envy are happy? They talk of money, lack of authority and promotions and what not? Proprietors of the companies, who have raked in billions of dollars, yet they are not happy because they are not sure any change in government policy or recession or completion of buyout bid can make their lives miserable. Let us take governments. Are they really trying out to solve the problems? I doubt; they go through the motions and ultimately it comes down to Money and power. What are they making to ensure the happiness of their citizens? How many us are individually making our lives more bearable and Happy? We live in our world, not bothering what is happening in surroundings – because we are busy. Ultimately what kind of society we are going to give to our future generations?
Let’s wake up, Do something, create a society where happiness is foremost credo of live!
Subramanyam Degala
Professor at International School of Business & Media